Contact F&M
If you reach a voicemail, please be sure to leave your student's full name as well as your name and contact information.
Frequently Requested Contacts
Do you or your student have questions for our admission team? Call 877-678-9111, email us at, or find your admission counselor.
Financial Aid
If your student has questions about their financial aid package, they can reach out to the Office of Financial Aid at or 717-358-3991.
Student Accounts & Billing
If you or your student have questions about billing, you can reach out to or call 717-358-4213. If you get their voicemail, please leave a detailed message providing your or your student's name and student ID number, your preferred phone number, and the reason for your call so they can do some research on your question before calling you back.
Student Employment
If you have questions about student employment at F&M, you can reach out to
Course Information
If your student has questions about their courses or course registration, their first point of contact should be their academic adviser. For questions regarding the course selection process, your student can also contact the Office of the Registrar at 717-358-4168.
If you or your student have questions about F&M housing, you can explore our FAQ to learn more or reach out to our housing team at for additional help.
DipCares is a team of professional staff and faculty at F&M who are available to provide support and guidance during challenging times. Many students face difficult times during college. DipCares is here to make sure students are aware of resources, that faculty and staff know how to help students who are experiencing distress, and that no student feels they are alone.
The DipCares program allows anyone who is concerned about a student to make a report via our referral form. Once the form is received by DipCares Team, someone will reach out to the student and offer support as deemed appropriate. You may also reach out to DipCares at 717-358-4506.
If you are concerned about a student, you can make a report using this form. If you are worried about the immediate safety of a student, please call 911 or the Department of Public Safety at 717-358-3939.
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
If a student's physical or mental health is endangered, please contact the F&M Department of Public Safety (DPS) so that immediate services might be dispatched to provide assistance. DPS is an Accredited Law Enforcement Agency. DPS works around the clock to maintain a safe atmosphere for faculty, staff, students and visitors and ensure the F&M community is a safe one for living and learning.
- Emergency: 911
- 717-358-3939
Parent and Family Events and Philanthropy
There is a reason our community is known as a F&Mily. We want parents and guardians to feel connected to this place that their student will call home for the next four years. From attending events, volunteering or making a gift to support F&M, there are lots of ways you can have an impact on your student and the institution.
Explore ways to get involved and if you have any specific questions, you can contact:
Katie Crowe Wood
Director of Parent and Athletic Advancement
Phone: 717-358-4834
International Student Services (ISS)
F&M is a home-away-from-home for almost 500 international students from over 40 different countries. The ISS office is here to assist F-1 student visa holders with many aspects related to being an international student from the moment they commit to F&M to years past graduation.
If you have questions related to International Student Admission, please contact
For questions related to international student services, you can contact:
Jessica Haile
Assistant Dean for International Student Services & PDSO
Phone: 717-358-7187
Off-Campus Study
If you or your student have questions about off-campus study at F&M, you can reach out at
If your student is planning on participating in off-campus study, explore our parent guide to off-campus study to learn more about what to expect and how your family can prepare for the experience.
College House Deans & Dons
Your student has a consistent reference point through their College House Dean and Don if they have a question or concern.
College House Deans have an office in the College House and are an integral part of
the professional staff team charged with advising and supporting students and enforcing
College policies.
House Dons establish the academic priorities for the College House and curate activities
and events for their College House. The Dons create a stimulating intellectual environment
in the Houses by bringing faculty in to teach, meeting with students, offering lectures
and taking part in other residentially based academic, cultural, and social activities.
Dons maintain offices in the House and meet regularly with students.
If you have any questions or concerns about your student, House Deans are the first point of contact. To know whom to contact, find your student's College House below.
Bonchek College House
Dean: Beth Proffitt
Don: Christine Piro
Brooks College House
Dean: Jaclyn Klinger
Don: Alexis Castor
Roschel College House
Dean: Courtnee Jordan-Cox
Don: Jorge Mena-Ali
Ware College House
Dean: Shuai Shao
Don: Ashley Rondini
Weis College House
Dean: Jennifer Nell
Don: Dorothy Merritts
Additional F&M Contacts
If you're unsure what you're looking for or who to contact, there's no need to worry. Explore this list of frequently requested contacts to find out who you can talk to.
You can also visit our online directory to contact a specific staff member or office or department not listed below.
- Admission: 717-358-3951; (toll-free) 877-678-9111
- Alumni Relations & Annual Giving: 717-358-3975
- Alumni Sports & Fitness Center (ASFC): 717-358-7189
- Athletics and Recreation: 717-358-7189
- Box Office: 717-358-4858
- Campus Information Desk: 717-358-3911
- College Bookstore: 717-358-4093
- College House Deans
- Counseling Services (LGH Student Wellness Center): 717-544-9051
- Financial Aid: 717-358-3991
- Human Resources: 717-358-3996
- Information Technology Services: 717-358-6789
- Library (Shadek-Fackenthal Library): 717-358-4223
- Media Relations, Office of Communications: 717-358-5884 or
- Off-Campus Study:
- Phillips Museum of Art: 717-358-4428
- President, Office of: 717-358-3971
- Provost and Dean of the Faculty, Office of: 717-358-3986
- Public Safety: 717-358-3939. In an emergency, dial 911.
- Registrar: 717-358-4168
- Student Affairs, Office of: 717-358-4000
- Student Wellness Center: 717-544-9051
- Weather/Emergency Line: 717-358-4003
To submit a comment or question about the F&M website, please contact us at
College Mailing Addresses
For Students
P.O. Box 3220
Lancaster, PA 17604
For Faculty & Professional Staff
F&M Department
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA 17604-3003
Shipping Address When Street Address is Required
415 Harrisburg Ave.
Lancaster, PA 17603
Shipping address is required when using Amazon*, FedEx, UPS, Airborne, and DHL.
*Amazon shipping varies. There may be a 24-hour delay in students receiving packages
depending on how Amazon ships.